Epic Ecommerce Store Application
An exceptional e-commerce platform mirroring Amazon's functionalities has been meticulously developed, employing cutting-edge technologies such as React JS,Redux-Toolkit, Tailwind CSS.
Glimpse of few projects I have worked On (WEBSITE'S).
An exceptional e-commerce platform mirroring Amazon's functionalities has been meticulously developed, employing cutting-edge technologies such as React JS,Redux-Toolkit, Tailwind CSS.
Multimart Ecommerce website by using React Js,Bootstrap,Redux Toolkit and Firebase Authentication.
Fully Functional Weather App by using React Js,CSS and Open Weather API with with Live Search Functionality.
Glimpse of few projects I have worked On (MOBILE APP'S).
ThreadNet is a full stack social media app where user's can create post,delete post,add likes to the posts,remove likes ,follow and unfollow users and and also able to search a specific user and user able to update his profile.This is done by using latest technologies like React Native , NodeJS & MongoDB,Tailwind CSS,using Redux Toolkit for managing the Global State in our app.This app almost covers all the aspects of a Social Media Application
Fully Functional Weather APP in React Native by using Tailwind CSS for materialistic UI and Open Weather API for live data with Live Search Functionality.
Fully Functional Cosmetic APP in React Native with Sanity Backend having functionality to add products inthe cart,filters the products and search functionality and many more with Materialistic UI.
Build a React Native Travel Recommendation App Frontend (Figma to React native).This app consist of Drawer,Animated Bottom Tabs Bottom Sheets Modal,Responsive UI with component base Architecture and many more.
Full Stack Chat App in React Native with Tailwind CSS & Firebase.This is Fully FUnctional Chat Application where user can create a Group and connect one to one and have many features like Logout functionality and User Profile Page.
By capturing the Power of React Native , NodeJS & MongoDB,I have Developed a Full Stack Ecommerce App By using the Power of React Native Redux Toolkit,NodeJS for Rest API's and MongoDB for our DataBase with React Reanimated.This app is fully Functional having Authentication system with Stripe payment gateway for payment process.This app covers all the aspects of a Ecommerce application
advanced AI to generate high-quality, contextually relevant text for various applications, from creative writing to professional content creation. Built with React Native, it provides a seamless, cross-platform experience on both iOS and Android devices